Maguire Insights and News

Gold-market and industry-related news

Maguire Refining owner and president, John Maguire, writes in-depth articles about the gold market and precious metals industry. Read the latest or browse past articles.

2016 – Journal of Dental Technology – The Decline of Precious Metal Demand in Dentistry (External Link)

2016 – Northwest Dentistry – Feature Article – The Decline of Precious Metal Demand in Dentistry

2015 –  Counterfeit Royal Canadian Mint Bar Reported

2014 – Dental Mercury Reduction Article [downloads as PDF]

2013 – Market Review [downloads as PDF]

2013 – IPMI Presentation [downloads as PDF]

2013 – History of the Pennyweight [downloads as PDF]

2013 – Trust But Verify [downloads as PDF]

Archived Newsletters

Industry-relevant documents

The following documents are for your reference, and are available for download.

Conversions [downloads as PDF]
Glossary [downloads as a PDF]
Physical Properties chart [downloads as a PDF]


Images that inspire us.

We have at last found an honest gold-refining company...we are completely satisfied and at ease. And the prompt service is a big plus.
Dental lab owner and president
In 1996, we experienced a fire and had to temporarily move our laboratory during reconstruction. In hopes of keeping things simple, we decided to only work with Maguire...because of the trust and relationship that was born, we now only use Maguire.
Dental lab owner
Another year has come and gone...It's nice to have such a dedicated company to work with.
Dental lab owner
We have used Maguire for many years. They are very honest, pleasant and easy to deal with...We are very satisfied and highly recommend Maguire. We appreciate the prompt service very much.
I've happily used Maguire through two stores (over the past 20 years). I would recommend Maguire to anyone who'd like fast service with integrity and common sense.

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